

The powerful want working-class people to settle in as passive consumers of content. Our blog is designed to demolish that idea.

In our view, working-class folks ought to be the creators of knowledge, the sharers of information, the architects of culture, and, especially, the experts on the struggle we confront.

So, please, consider contributing to Anthracite Unite; help us amplify working-class voices in Pennsylvania’s anthracite coal region.

We prefer submissions from folks who live in or have roots in the region.

However, we also welcome contributions from folks based elsewhere who can lend insight to our situation – for example, people from other former coal-mining communities or people who are working on immigrant rights issues in other places.

We publish a wide variety of work: opinion pieces, political analysishistorical essays, personal reflections, interviews, poetry, short stories, art collections, announcements – really anything that fits our mission. On average, our posts are about 1,200 words long, but we’re flexible.

Original content is best, but when appropriate we will consider material that has already been published elsewhere.

If you are interested in submitting your work, please first familiarize yourself with our approach.

If what you have in mind fits well, send us either a short synopsis or finished product for our consideration.

We look forward to hearing from you.